The tradition of associating trees with the padams of the 27 stars reveals a profound connection between astrology, nature, and cultural symbolism. Each of the 27 stars in Vedic astrology holds a distinctive energy, and these stars are further divided into four padams, resulting in a total of 108 padams. In this intricate system, trees are seen as vessels of cosmic energy, embodying the unique attributes and influences of each padam.

These tree-padam associations reflect the holistic worldview of ancient cultures, where the natural world was deeply intertwined with human existence. The trees chosen for each padam are believed to resonate with the spiritual and elemental qualities of the corresponding star’s energy. For example, the Ashwini star is associated with the Banyan tree, symbolizing growth, renewal, and vitality. The Revathi star’s padam is aligned with the Bamboo tree, evoking flexibility, adaptability, and spiritual depth.

Such symbolic connections between trees and padams not only deepen the understanding of astrology but also underscore the reverence and respect ancient societies held for the environment. The tree-padam associations encourage people to reflect on their own personal attributes and life journey, drawing inspiration from the characteristics of the designated trees. This tradition fosters a sense of harmony with both the celestial realm and the natural world, nurturing a profound sense of interconnectedness that continues to resonate with cultural practices to this day.

108 healing trees

Star Scientific Name English Name
Ashwini – 1st Pada  Strychnos nux-vomica Strychnine Tree / Poison Nut Tree, Snake-wood, Quaker Button
Ashwini – 2nd Pada Mimusops elengi Indian Medlar/ Spanish cherry/ Bulletwood
Ashwini – 3rd Pada (2 References)
Reference 1  Terminalia catappa Almond
Reference 2  Prunus amygdalus [Synonym: Amygdalus communis] Badam
Ashwini – 4th Pada  [unknown tree] English Name:
Bharani – 1st Pada  Ficus Racemosa Fig Tree
Bharani – 2nd Pada  Haldina cordifolia Haldu
Bharani – 3rd Pada  Feronia elephantum [synonym: Feronia elephantum] Wood Apple
Bharani – 4th Pada  Tabernaemontana divaricata Crape jasmine
Karthigai/Krittika 1st Pada  Phyllanthus emblica Gooseberry
Karthigai/Krittika 2nd Pada  Sapindus emarginatus Notched Leaf Soapnut
Karthigai/Krittika 3rd Pada  Lagerstroemia microcarpa [Synonym: Lagerstroemia lanceolata ] Ben Teak
Karthigai/Krittika 4th Pada  Desmodium oojeinense [Synonym: Ougeinia oojeinensis] Sandan
Rohini 1st Pada  Syzygium cumini Java Plum
Rohini 2nd Pada  Bauhinia variegata Kachnar, Orchid Tree
Rohini 3rd Pada  Bauhinia vahlii Maloo Creeper
Rohini 4th Pada  Couroupita guianensis Cannan Ball Tree
Mrigashirsham/Mrigashirsha 1st Pada  Diospyros ebenum Indian Ebony
Mrigashirsham/Mrigashirsha 2nd Pada  Hardwickia binata Anjan
Mrigashirsham/Mrigashirsha 3rd Pada  Azadirachta indica Neem
Mrigashirsham/Mrigashirsha 4th Pada  Mitragyna parvifolia Kaim
Thiruvadhirai/Ardra 1st Pada  Acacia catechu Cutch Tree, black catechu, black cutch, cashoo, catechu, wadalee gum
Thiruvadhirai/Ardra 2nd Pada (3 References)
Reference 1  Mundulea sericea Cork Bush, silver bush, Rhodesian silver-leaf
Reference 2  Pterocarpus marsupium Indian Kino Tree, Vijayasar, Malabar kino tree
Reference 3  Butea monosperma [synonyms: Butea frondosa] Flame of the forest, Bastard teak, Bengal kino tree
Thiruvadhirai/Ardra 3rd Pada  Calotropis procera Rubber Bush, apple of sodom, french cotton, sodom apple
Thiruvadhirai/Ardra 4th Pada  Calotropis procera Rubber Bush, apple of sodom, french cotton, sodom apple
Punarpoosam/Punarvasu 1st Pada  Bambusa arundinacea Indian Thorny Bamboo, giant thorny bamboo, male bamboo, spiny bamboo, spring bamboo
Punarpoosam/Punarvasu 2nd Pada  Melia dubia Malabar Neem
Punarpoosam/Punarvasu 3rd Pada  Prunus amygdalus [Synonym: Amygdalus communis] Badam
Punarpoosam/Punarvasu 4th Pada  Phyllanthus emblica Gooseberry
Poosam/Pushya 1st Pada  Ficus religiosa Peepal, holy fig tree, peepul, sacred fig tree,Bodhi Tree
Poosam/Pushya 2nd Pada  Hardwickia binata Anjan
Poosam/Pushya 3rd Pada  Xylia xylocarpa Burma Ironwood, Pyinkado
Poosam/Pushya 4th Pada  Vitex negundo Chaste Tree
Ayilyam/Aslesha 1st Pada  Calophyllum inophyllum Beauty Leaf, Alexandrian laurel
Ayilyam/Aslesha 2nd Pada  Morus Alba White Mulberry, Russian Mulberry, Silkworm Mulberry
Ayilyam/Aslesha 3rd Pada  Ziziphus mauritiana Jujube tree, Common jujube, Indian jujube, Chinese date
Ayilyam/Aslesha 4th Pada  Artocarpus heterophyllus Jackfruit
Magham/Magha 1st Pada  Ficus bengalensis Banyan tree
Magham/Magha 2nd Pada [unknown tree] English Name:
Magham/Magha 3rd Pada  Madhuca longifolia Indian Butter Tree
Magham/Magha 4th Pada  Nyctanthes arbortristis Har singar, Coral Jasmine, Tree of Sorrow, Queen of the night
Pooram/Purva Phalguni 1st Pada  Artocarpus heterophyllus Jackfruit
Pooram/Purva Phalguni 2nd Pada  Albizia lebbeck Siris tree, Woman’s tongue
Pooram/Purva Phalguni 3rd Pada  Elaeocarpus serratus Ceylon Olive, Wild Olive tree
Pooram/Purva Phalguni 4th Pada  Artocarpus heterophyllus Jackfruit
Utthiram/Uttara Phalguni 1st Pada  Linum usitatissimum flax, linseed, linseed oil, lint bells
Utthiram/Uttara Phalguni 2nd Pada  Delonix elata White Gulmohar, White Poincian
Utthiram/Uttara Phalguni 3rd Pada  Strychnos nux-vomica Strychnine Tree / Poison Nut Tree, Snake-wood, Quaker Button
Utthiram/Uttara Phalguni 4th Pada  Pongamia pinnata Pongam Tree, Indian Beech Tree, Pongame Oil Tree
Hastham/Hastha 1st Pada  Bauhinia racemosa Bidi Leaf Tree
Hastham/Hastha 2nd Pada  Cocos nucifera Coconut
Hastham/Hastha 3rd Pada  Lannea coromandelica Indian Ash Tree, Moya, Wodier
Hastham/Hastha 4th Pada  Putranjiva roxburghii [ Nagera putranjeeva] Putranjiva, Lucky Bean Tree , Child’s amulet tree
Chithrai/Chithra 1st Pada  Aegle marmelos Bel, Beli fruit, Bengal quince, Stone apple, Wood apple
Chithrai/Chithra 2nd Pada  Butea monosperma [synonyms: Butea frondosa] Flame of the forest, Bastard teak, Bengal kino tree
Chithrai/Chithra 3rd Pada  Pithecellobium dulce English Name:Manilla Tamarind, Madras Thorn, Sweet tamarind, Monkeypod
Chithrai/Chithra 4th Pada  Thevetia peruviana [ Synonym: Cascabela thevetia ] Mexican oleander, Yellow Oleander, Lucky Nut
Swathi 1st Pada  Lagerstroemia speciosa Pride of India, Queen Crape Myrtle,Queen of flowers
Swathi 2nd Pada  Tamarindus indica Tamarind
Swathi 3rd Pada  Cassia siamea Siamese Senna, Siamese cassia
Swathi 4th Pada  Bauhinia tomentosa St.Thomas tree, Yellow Orchid Tree, Yellow Bell Bauhinia
Visakham/Visakha 1st Pada  Feronia elephantum Wood Apple
Visakham/Visakha 2nd Pada  Dalbergia latifolia bombay blackwood or rosewood, indian rosewood, malabar rosewood
Visakham/Visakha 3rd Pada  Musa acuminata x balbisiana Colla (AAB Group) ‘Poovan Indian banana “Mysore”, Mysore banana, Champa banana (North-East India)
Visakham/Visakha 4th Pada  Albizia saman Rain Tree, Coco tamarind, Acacia preta, French tamarind, Saman, Monkey pod
Anusham/Anuradha 1st Pada Mimusops elengi Indian Medlar/ Spanish cherry/ Bulletwood
Anusham/Anuradha 2nd Pada  Lagerstroemia speciosa Pride of India, Queen Crape Myrtle,Queen of flowers
[3 References]
Reference 1  Hopea ponga Ponga
Reference 2 Hopea parviflora White Kongu,Hopea,Iron wood of Malabar
Reference 3 Capparis sepiaria Wild Caper Bush
Anusham/Anuradha 4th Pada  Tectona grandis Teak
kettai/Jyestha 1st Pada  Artocarpus heterophyllus Jackfruit
kettai/Jyestha 2nd Pada  Thespesia populnea Indian tulip tree, Aden apple, Portia tree
kettai/Jyestha 3rd Pada  Ficus religiosa Peepal, holy fig tree, peepul, sacred fig tree
kettai/Jyestha 4th Pada  Azadirachta indica Neem
Moolam/Moola 1st Pada
Reference 1 Shorea robusta Sal
Reference 2  Ficus religiosa Peepal, holy fig tree, peepul, sacred fig tree,Bodhi Tree
Reference 3  Hardwickia binata Anjan
Reference 4  Anthocephalus cadamba Kadam
Reference 5  Eugenia racemosa Powderpuff Mangrove, Fish-killer tree, Fish-poison tree, Fish-poison wood, Freshwater mangrove, Small-leaved barringtonia
Reference 6  Aporosa lindleyana Lindley’s Aporosa
Moolam/Moola 2nd Pada  Ailanthus Excelsa Indian Tree of Heaven, Coramandel ailanto
Moolam/Moola 3rd Pada  Magnolia champaca Champa,Golden Champa
Moolam/Moola 4th Pada  Hardwickia binata Anjan
Pooradam/Purva Ashada 1st Pada  Salix Tetrasperma Indian Willow
Pooradam/Purva Ashada 2nd Pada  Murraya exotica/Murraya paniculata chinese box, thanaka
Pooradam/Purva Ashada 3rd Pada  Santalum album Sandalwood, Indian sandalwood, Fragrant sandalwood, White Sandalwood
Pooradam/Purva Ashada 4th Pada  Citrus limon Lemon
Uthradam/Uttara Ashada 1st Pada  Artocarpus heterophyllus Jackfruit
Uthradam/Uttara Ashada 2nd Pada  Terminalia chebula Chebulic Myrobalan, Myrobalan
Uthradam/Uttara Ashada 3rd Pada  Buchanania axillaris Cuddapah Almond, Buchanan’s Mango
Uthradam/Uttara Ashada 4th Pada  Pandanus odorifer Kewda, Fragrant Screw Pine, Umbrella tree, Screw pine, Screw tree
Thiruvonam/Shravana 1st Pada  Calotropis procera Rubber Bush, apple of sodom, french cotton, sodom apple
Thiruvonam/Shravana 2nd Pada  Diospyros ebenum Indian Ebony
Thiruvonam/Shravana 3rd Pada  Mesua ferrea Cobra saffron, Ceylon ironwood, Indian rose chestnut
Thiruvonam/Shravana 4th Pada  Areca catechu Betel Palm, Areca palm, Areca-nut palm
Avittam/Dhanista 1st Pada  Acacia ferruginea Rusty Acacia
Avittam/Dhanista 2nd Pada  Acacia nilotica subsp. indica Gum Arabic
Avittam/Dhanista 3rd Pada  Annona squamosa Sugar Apple, Custard apple
Avittam/Dhanista 4th Pada  Myristica fragrans Nutmeg
Sathayam/Shatabhisha 1st Pada  Barringtonia acutangula Barringtonia, Freshwater Mangrove, Indian Oak, Indian Putat
Sathayam/Shatabhisha 2nd Pada  Prosopis cineraria Khejri Tree
Sathayam/Shatabhisha 3rd Pada  Annona reticulata L. Netted Custard Apple, Bullock’s heart, Bull’s heart
Sathayam/Shatabhisha 4th Pada  Adenanthera pavonina Red Sandalwood, Coral-wood, Peacock flower fence, Red beadtree
Poorattathi/Purva Bhadrapada 1st Pada  Mangifera indica Mango
Poorattathi/Purva Bhadrapada 2nd Pada Shorea robusta Sal
Poorattathi/Purva Bhadrapada 3rd Pada  Azadirachta indica Neem
Poorattathi/Purva Bhadrapada 4th Pada  Bauhinia vahlii Maloo Creeper
Uthrattathi/Uttara Bhadrapada 1st Pada  Azadirachta indica Neem
Uthrattathi/Uttara Bhadrapada 2nd Pada  Delonix regia flamboyant, flame tree, gul mohur, mohur, peacock flower
Uthrattathi/Uttara Bhadrapada 3rd Pada  Semecarpus anacardium Marking Nut, dhobi nut tree, Indian marking nut tree, Malacca bean, marany nut, marsh nut, oriental cashew nut, varnish tree
Uthrattathi/Uttara Bhadrapada 4th Pada  Aphanamixis polystachya Pithraj Tree
Revathi 1st Pada Borassus flabellifer Palmyra Palm, African fan palm, borassus palm, doub palm, great fan palm, lontar palm, ron palm, tala palm, tal-palm, toddy palm, wine palm
Revathi 2nd Pada  Thevetia peruviana Mexican oleander, Yellow Oleander, Lucky Nut
Revathi 3rd Pada Pterocarpus santalinus red sandalwood, sanderswood
Revathi 4th Pada Artocarpus heterophyllus Jackfruit