What occurs when Purusha honors Prakriti and coexists harmoniously?
This leads us to realize the concept of Vasudeiva Kutumbaka, a state in which all aspects of creation on planet Earth unite as a single interconnected family. This is encapsulated in the saying: “The observer, the observed, and the act of observation are inherently unified.” Renowned sage Ramana Maharshi articulated, “The perception of division between the observer and the observed originates within the mind.” In this state of amalgamation involving the observer, the observed, and the act of observation, we as individuals experience Anāhata, a sense of boundless interconnectedness. This interconnectedness invigorates both body and mind. This heightened state of vitality is termed Ojhus, signifying vigor. While Ojhus is acknowledged to permeate every aspect of the human body, Ayurveda designates the heart as its focal point.
Welcome to Ojhus, an expansive forest named “Maha Vanam,” where elements such as Pure Air, forest trails designed for acupressure walking, Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing), Meditation, Yoga, Sattvic Food, and the education and motivation to adopt healthy yet delectable dietary habits all coexist. Ojhus is an initiative nurtured to provide soothing Eco therapy in Fort Pierce, Florida.
Our goal is to acquaint people with the joy of embracing a health-conscious lifestyle in harmony with nature:
Where emphasis is placed on maintaining robust health rather than solely curing ailments.
Where our sustenance serves as our remedy—No Oil, No Boil Food.
The foundational principles of our narrative are rooted in the concept of Chakras, which are regarded as energetic discs inherent within our body.
Among the 7 Chakras, the 4th Chakra provides an ideal basis for crafting a logo that symbolizes the Essential Energy – Ojhus.
This logo encapsulates the ideals of achieving harmony, calmness, and serenity.
The heart chakra serves as a central point for experiencing beauty in life. Referred to as “ANĀHATA” in Sanskrit, the Heart Chakra holds special significance. According to Yoga Journal, “Anahata” signifies being “unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten.” Positioned as the fourth primary chakra, it functions as a hub for self-love, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness toward both oneself and others.
Aligned with the element of air, the Heart Chakra’s energy is closely linked to breath and its motions. This connection extends to the concept of spaciousness and the interconnection with all existence. Viewing the world through a harmoniously balanced fourth chakra entails adopting an attitude of openness and acceptance, fostering a profound and gratifying connection with both our surroundings and our inner selves.
The renowned American architect, Sir Frank Lloyd Wright, famously asserted in his philosophy of Organic Architecture that: FORM & FUNCTION ARE ONE
Ojhus Form & Function
The intersecting triangles at the center signify the air element, known as Vayu, and its all-encompassing nature. They also serve as symbols for the unity of apparently opposing principles or energies, like male and female, spirit and matter. The resulting star embodies the harmonious convergence of these forces and emphasizes the heart chakra’s role as a center for integration and connection—embracing self-love, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness. The square element signifies stability, solidity, and equality. The central circle represents the initiation of new beginnings and awakening, particularly for the Heart Chakra’s emergence.
The encompassing circle that encloses the triangles alludes to the Moon Nadi. The five petals spinning clockwise symbolize the five Earth elements, fundamental to existence. These petals create a unique sound known as Anahata, an “unstruck” sound.
The representation of the Heart Chakra features a lotus flower petal with twelve intersecting petals. This configuration reflects notions of oneness, rootedness, connection, and harmony. Our existence is born of purpose, and the twelve petals represent the divine attributes of the heart:
The twelve dots correspond to the twelve calendar months, signifying a year-long celebration of Ojhus. The circle touching the lotus petals signifies the Sun Nadi, while the outer circle symbolizes our connection to the Earth.
The Heart Chakra, also known as Anahata, is associated with the color green. This color choice requires no further explanation. Its corresponding element is air.
We are weaving a tale of nurturing and empowerment. While we lack the ability to create seeds, we can sow them, tend to young plants, and facilitate their growth into sturdy trees. Water, a resource we can’t produce, can be stored in ponds we create. Ether or space already exists, as does the Earth beneath us. Our narrative revolves around fostering the emergence and progression of a saga—an evolution of creation and awakening. This awakening guides us toward a natural and euphoric state of consciousness, fueling our rise alongside the essence of Ojhus.
The transformation of barren land into a thriving forest 🌳 is a sensation that must first be sensed in our hearts and then envisioned in our minds. To truly embrace this state, we require qualities like openness, tranquility, love, and serenity. Our focus centers on nurturing Green—a color bestowed by Mother Nature herself. We cultivate an abundant expanse of greenery, enabling us to partake in all the joys that life offers.